March 26, 2019

Introduction to BCI – Milan 2019

On Thursady, March 28 – 2019, at Fondazione Industrie Cotone e Lino in Milan, will take place the event “Introduction to BCI“, organized by Better Cotton Initiative and UNIDO.

Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) is a worldwide not-for-profit organization, which aims to make cotton production progressively better for the people who produce it, for the environment and for the future of the sector. UNIDO (The United Nations Industrial Development Organization) promotes the growth of industrial activities for the member states.

Albini Group has always been committed to sustainability, to the research and enhancement of the best raw materials and to the control of the supply chain in order to guarantee a complete traceability; that’s why from December 2017 has decided to adhere to this project, becoming sponsor of Better Cotton Initiative and adopting the Better Cotton Standard System, a holistic approach to sustainable cotton production which covers all three pillars of sustainability: environmental, social and economic.

In this regard Stefano Albini, President of Cotonificio Albini, will speak at the panel discussion of the event, testifying how the adoption of this standard promotes measurable and continuous improvements for the environment, farming communities and the economy of cotton-producing areas.

During the event, BCI and UNIDO will also present a new pilot project, The Egyptian Cotton Project, of which Albini Group is a partner. This project is an emblematic example of the collaboration between BCI and public-private entities to expand the adoption of more sustainable and transparent agricultural practices also in new geographical and productive contexts, such as Egypt.