Corporate & Compliance

Legislative Decree No. 231 of 8 June 2001 introduced into the Italian legal system a system of administrative liability of entities – which also includes corporations – for certain crimes committed by directors, managers or employees in the interest of or to the advantage of the entity.

Inspired by a modern business concept that calls for a close correlation between ethics and the company, Cotonificio Albini S.p.A. has adopted the principles dictated by the legislation in question and has adopted its own Organisation, Management and Control Model and Code of Ethics.

A Supervisory Board has also been established, as a collective body, which is in charge of monitoring the functioning of the Model, guaranteeing its effectiveness and adequacy and ensuring that it is regularly updated.

Code of Ethics

The Albini Group’s identity is founded on the values of honesty, transparency, innovation and responsibility. An approach of this kind is the product of a strong cultural identity, described in detail in the Code of Ethics, with which all managers and employees and those who directly or indirectly establish relations with Cotonificio Albini S.p.A. are obliged to comply.

Organisation, Management and Control Model

The Organisation, Management and Control Model adopted by Cotonificio Albini S.p.A. – composed of a General Section and individual Special Sections (relative to each type of crime considered relevant) – pursues the objective of ensuring compliance with the principles of fairness and transparency in conducting business and corporate activities and, at the same time, of preventing unlawful conduct from being taking place, expressly provided for by Legislative Decree No. 231/01, by its directors, employees and collaborators.



All the Subjects are required to promptly report to the Cotonificio Albini S.p.A. Supervisory Body any violation or presumed violation of the Code of Ethics and/or of the Organisational Model, as well as any element indicating the possibly committed crimes. Any reports may be submitted to the e-mail address odv.cotonificioalbinispa@albinigroup.com or by written communication addressed to: “Organismo di Vigilanza di Cotonificio Albini S.p.A., Via Dr. Silvio Albini no.1 – 24021 Albino (BG)”.


Cotonificio Albini S.p.A. has provided itself with a digital Whistleblowing platform – in compliance with Law 179/17 issued on 30 November 2017 and entered into force on 29 December 2017 – which allows reports to be sent effectively and confidentially. The platform for making reports can be reached at the following link: https://digitalroom.bdo.it/albini

Reports made through the Whistleblowing platform will be forwarded directly to the Company’s Supervisory Board, which will verify the validity of the facts in strict observance of the principles of confidentiality.

Please note that reports submitted anonymously will also be accepted.